Privacy Policy

In this privacy policy we will set out how we collect and process personal staff data and client data. Furthermore, we will also set out our data breach procedures.


Before collecting and using data we will have consent from our clients.

Some information we collect:

Why we need information about staff

 We collect your personal information for a number of reasons; firstly to ensure that you are suitable to provide services to our clients, to ensure your own safety and also that of the clients and to monitor work performance and training needs.

How we store this data

All data collected will be stored digitally on secure computers while paper files will be stored in locked cabinets.

Limited data such as name, address, e-mail, telephone number and next of kin contact details will be shared with other staff and stored on the works mobile phone.

What rights the candidates have 

Candidate information can be accessed on request at any time in writing. You will receive this information within one month of SEA recruitment Services receiving your request.

A candidate has the right of erasure of all personal data held when they cease to work for SEA Recruitment Services with the exception of information we are lawfully obliged to keep for Government agencies.

How long we keep this data

We will keep personal data for 7 years from the day the staff member leaves the organisation. Moreover, we have to keep all payroll data for a period of 7 years from the last date the candidate worked.

Who we share this data with

By consenting to using your personal data for the purposes of employment we will share your information with SEA managers (Seniors and Team Leaders) and third parties for the purposes of work assignments only. This information will never include information such as bank account details but will include information to show your suitability for the role.

We will also share information with our payroll processor, accountant and HMRC due to pay purposes.

We will never share or sell your data for marketing purposes to any third parties unless you have provided consent or asked us to do so.


Some information we collect

Why we need information about clients

We collect your personal information for a number of reasons; to provide you with a quote for services, to ensure that services are meet individual needs, to ensure safety and wellbeing and to make sure that we are responsive to your needs.

How we store this data

We will store client details and records of services including day notes, risk assessments, support plans and reviews on cloud-based software.The account invoice details are stored on the computer within a cloud based software known as Xero. All computer digital records are protected with several layers of software to protect from cyber-attacks and virus attacks.

What rights clients have 

Client information can be accessed on request at any time in writing. This information will be provided within one month of the request in writing.

When a client stops the service, they have the right to erasure all personal data. However, Government agencies require some information to be kept.

A client has the right to ask for the transfer of all personal data to an alternative service provider when they stop using SEA Recruitment Services.

How long we keep this data

We will keep this data for 20 years from the day the client stops using the organisation.

For legal reasons, we have to keep all invoicing for a period of 7 years from the last date the service was provided.

Who we share this data with

Contact details are entered on to a database and used to contact you by telephone, e-mail and post. Client contact details are also stored onto a password-protected mobile phone. Staff who manage this phone will have access to this information.

Professionals such as health workers, social workers and other related personnel may have information shared with them. When starting the service you will give your consent. Furthermore, your keyworker will review this annually. We will not share unnecessary information.

We will never share or sell your data for marketing purposes to any third parties unless you have provided consent or asked us to do so.

Information Security

We work hard to keep your data safe. Similarly, we use an appropriate combination of technical and organisational measures to ensure as reasonably possible the confidentiality integrity and availability of your information at all times. Certainly, if you have a security related concern please contact us using the contact details at the end of this policy.

Who to contact in relation to processing of personal information

Finally, if you would like to discuss anything in relation to this policy or how we handle your personal information you can contact the Data Protection Officer, see below for contact details:

Data Protection Officer

SEA Recruitment Services Ltd,

Downs Business Centre,

29 The Downs,



WA14 2QD

Related Policies;

  1. Confidentiality Policy
  2. Archiving policy
  3. Duty Policy
  4. Computer email and internet usage policy
  5. Laptop policy
  6. Secure Storage and handling policy
  7. Service users contract
  8. Staff contract

SEA Recruitment Services Ltd comply with the General Data Protection Regulations

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