Social Work

We are able to offer expertise in specialist independent assessments. As a result, all our qualified social workers are fluent sign language users and therefore, there is no need to have an interpreter present. Furthermore, we are also aware of the cultural norms within the Deaf community and assessments always take this into account.

Child & Family/Parenting Assessments

We have extensive experience of providing assessments for the courts and also the local authorities.

Parenting assessments where one or both parents are Deaf.

Assessments of the needs of Deaf children which include the social, emotional, intellectual, cultural, and linguistic needs of a deaf child.

Assessments of Deaf parents who have learning disability using the Sue McGaw PAMS assessment model.

Relative Carer/kinship assessments

Assessments of what a deaf child needs when they are being placed in the care of the Local Authority.

Assessments of a deaf child’s communication needs to improve access to education and contribute to HECP assessments

Bespoke Foster Carers Training to foster carers who are fostering deaf children.

Finally, Sexual Harmful Behaviour (Aims2 Assessments) with deaf children who have committed a sexual harmful behavioural offence towards another child. 

Adult Social Care Assessments

We have a number of practitioners who have vast experience of undertaking assessments with deaf people and their families. We are able to carry out comprehensive assessments and make clear recommendations and where appropriate give costings for packages of care. Assessments are person centred and fully take into account the clients views whilst offering a balanced analysis. All the assessors are fluent in sign language and therefore there is no need to book interpreters.

Community Care Assessments

Carers Assessments

Best Interest Assessments.

Independent Mental Health Social Circumstances Reports / Tribunal Reports for Deaf adults in the community or currently in a secure setting.

Forensic assessments of individuals who are being discharged from hospitals or prison with a view to managing risk within the community. This involves risk assessment, risk mitigation, staff training and ongoing risk management. We are able to undertake the assessment of complex individuals and our assessors have experience of the legal complexities surrounding the discharge of restricted patients.

DeafBlind assessments. The Care Act, 2014 states that every deafblind person has the right to a specialist assessment facilitated by a person who has specific training, expertise and experience. We have fully trained staff who can undertake specialist deafblind assessments which address issues in relation to mobility, access to information and communication. SEA Staff are able to communicate using Hands On signing, Deafblind Manual.

We offer value for money and all assessments are appropriate and cost effective as you will not be paying for interpreting costs.

All our individuals are fully insured and receive independent mentoring. That means that all activities and decisions are appraised by other independent social workers on a regular basis. All our assessors are;

Registered with the HCPC.

Members of B.A.S.W.

Current DBS checks.

Fully Insured

Fluent British Sign Language Users

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